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"I'm a Yoga Miracle!"

(Private Instruction)

Sometimes there is so much static in life that you can no longer hear the music of your soul.

The static may be physical -- pain whose voice keeps tapping you on the shoulder, maybe even shouting at you. The static may be more mental/emotional -- fatigue even when you are getting enough sleep, or rarely giving yourself enough rest and down time...anxiety --  even borrowing things to feel anxious about....  Or maybe your “get up and go just got up and went!”      Sometimes the static is more spiritual -- where is the meaning in my life? Why am I here? How do I navigate through this stage of my life, as once again I am in new territory?



Perhaps it is time you allowed yourself to tend to that static.

Jan’s wisdom, experiences of residing in a body that is not always cooperative, and her skills in Iyengar yoga and wellness bring to you a wealth of opportunities to grow internally as well as to deal with whatever is causing dissonance or discomfort.    

By the time physical/mental/emotional/spiritual challenges show up at the surface of your life, most likely they have been brewing internally for a long time. Thus Jan asks that you commit to at least six weeks of private sessions after your initial assessment and first class, and that you be open to listening to both your body’s wisdom and Jan’s regarding continuing beyond these seven sessions. Your seven session investment will include yoga poses and possibly other “homework” to do between classes. Jan asks that these seven sessions be spread over no more than three months (or talk with her about what would work best for you).  Your investment is not just your class time and fiscal: it is a commitment to carve into your life a holy space for yourself.


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Why the Gift of Private Instruction?

What will you gain from working privately with Jan?

  • The gift of presence: hers, and if willing, yours
  • Relief from pain; and/or the possibility of re-writing your relationship to it
  •  Poses and if needed other activities (journaling homework, e.g.) specific to your needs -- Iyengar yoga has never been a “one size fits all” practice, but the 1:1 attention to your body and soul can be invaluable
  • A deep resonance with your own body and soul
  • Specific guidance about how to practice at home so that the benefits of what you experience in the studio are yours as long as you choose to continue your practice
  • Learning how to integrate Iyengar yoga with other disciplines (physical therapy, massage, etc.)
  • A renewed commitment to your own wellness
  • Seven weeks of habits heading you in a Good Orderly Direction
Extend into what's possible for you...

Extend into what's possible for you...

"I'm a yoga miracle!"

Your investment is not just your class time and money -- it is a commitment to carve into your life a holy space for yourself.

7 sessions including initial interview & class, $450 due at first session (less than $65 each). Or $75 per session, after $90 for initial assessment & session, with a minimum of four sessions. The seven sessions include free admission into meditation classes and Fourth Fridays. 

“It’s a miracle, Jan, it’s a miracle. I walked that whole entomology class at Quinsippi Island and my back did not hurt at all. People don’t believe it, especially the people that saw me {months ago} in the wheelchair, with the walker. The last time I was at Quinsippi Island, I had to sit in the chair & I had to get help getting back in the car. To be able to take those chains off, to walking without pain, is,  I don’t know how to express that.”   (53 year old female)
"I have had 3 hip surgeries and have gone to a number of physical therapists. Jan's instruction not only helped to heal my hips, but helped correct alignment issues I have had since birth. She taught me to listen to my body and honor it in a way that promoted healing for my whole self. She has a way of teaching that is firm when it needs to be and is always gentle and attentive. When I am doing too much, or too little, she lets me know in a firm yet loving manner. I no longer live in the Quincy area, yet still practice the poses she has taught me. She teaches you not only how to do the pose, but how to use them as your own medicine in your home. This is a gift I have carried with me throughout my life."  (Tricia Dietrich)
Private Session or Class

Sept 5-Oct 25 and Nov 1-29 (no class Nov 22)

Please communicate with Jan prior to registering for private session.

Initial session includes assessment.