Experienced Beginners
For students who have completed at least six weeks of introductory level instruction in Iyengar yoga. Emphasis on standing poses and becoming more comfortable in inversions such as salamba sarvangasana, supported shoulderstand. Home practice is encouraged.
Mon 4-5:30 p 6:00 - 7:15 p
For students with six months or more experience in Iyengar yoga and a regular home practice. Includes back extensions, headstand (sirsasana), and introductory breath practices (pranayama).
Deep Study Saturdays
"An immersion in a practice focused on specific types of poses (standing poses;
For students who have six weeks or more of experience in Iyengar yoga. More seated poses and introduction to back extensions are included. Home practice suggested.
Asana II-III
Tues. 10:30 a - 12 p Thursdays 5:30 -7 p
For students with six months or more of experience in Iyengar yoga. Includes standing poses, forward and backward extensions, twists, inversions, and restorative sequences with pranayama, our breath practice.
Fourth Fridays
5:30 - 6:30 p
Calm the mind by opening the heart. In this class we lie over bolsters, witness the breath, and invite the riffling, rapid waters of the week to settle. You will leave with a quieter mind and a sense of renewed energy.